590 Giffords Church Road, Suite 2
Rotterdam, NY 12306
Monday: 8am-8pm
Wednesday: 8-6:30 Friday: 9-2:30 Saturday: 8-2pm
Individual Coaching
The YOU who’s been dying to get out and shine freely like never before.
Maybe you’ve caught glimpses of her in moments where you’ve felt the most alive…or at least could envision when you dared to dream…
Somewhere in life, you bought into the story that there were certain duties you were in charge of, emotions you were responsible for, behaviors that were acceptable or not…all determined by someone else.
Fast forward to BOOM, motherhood and due to the ever-present, endless swirl of pressure to do all the things all the time for everybody, your pre-baby way of being got lost and your light dimmed under the endless weight of to-do’s.
Decades of avoiding and pushing down true feelings have made you really good at ignoring what you truly want and accepting an under par life as just how it is.
You may find yourself using a variety of strategies just to get through each day such as: sweets, shopping, social media, Netflix, more activities to your already full plate, alcohol, weed…
Maybe you’ve started experiencing issues with weight, hair loss, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, overwhelm, irritability, physical pain, or other health conditions too.
All of the above are indications of chronic stress and misalignment.
As women, we are almost 2 times as likely to experience chronic stress than men.
Due to the societal conditioning of traditional gender roles, we are tasked with being responsible for many more areas of our lives than men, feel obligated to say yes to things more often than we want to and take on the weight of EVERYTHING for others…
Not to mention the external pressure of “ideal” body image, productivity, appearance, organization, time management, numerous activities you not only get to be the driver to and from but are also involved in, house projects/cleanliness, volunteering, perfectly cooked healthy meals from scratch and of course any/all pet care and possibly yardwork…Anyone else EXHAUSTED just reading this?! If so, are you ready to break free?
But isn’t that what we do?? Play this ongoing game of comparison that’s damn near impossible to keep up with but if we don’t BURNOUT trying, here comes the feeling of inadequacy.
Let’s face it, that Instagram ready, perfectly dressed and done up mom in the morning drop off line standing next to your stained sweat pants, messy bun, eye crusted, morning breathed self is a unicorn…
AND in actuality, has PLENTY of hot mess express happening in her life behind the scenes too.
Our partners, parents and other loved ones can contribute to the madness of this cycle as well. Since they are of high value to us, their opinion holds a lot of weight and harsh comments, criticism or projections cause us to internalize issues and make us believe we need to do more, be more and have more in order to experience true life fulfillment or even be approved of.
What if you could get out of your own way of mom guilt and overwhelm and find true peace no matter how hectic life gets?
What would it feel like to give LESS F’s for ALL THE THINGS so you could give MORE F’s for what’s ACTUALLY important to you?
What if you gave yourself permission to be exactly who you really are…living life on purpose instead of on autopilot?
How full circle would it be to give your children full permission to be themselves just by being the example of how you show up in full alignment for yourself?
Don’t you wish you could have more play and joy throughout your day?
Wouldn’t it be so amazing to stop trying to finish the impossible to complete in a day to-do list and surrender to the present moment, taking it all in with gratitude?
If you’re ready to release the weight vest of holding ALL THE THINGS for others…
If you’re ready to let go of the inner critic and shame of feeling less than…
If you’re ready to give yourself full permission to be exactly who you are…living a life full of power, presence and passion for life,
Click the button below, fill out the application to make sure we’re a good match and let the unfolding begin!
Trisha Saila, AVP Robert Half, Life Coach
I worked with Ruth for 3+months on body image and self worth. There are no words to describe the magic that happens when Ruth is coaching. I've been involved in the self development world for 20 years and with Ruth, was the first time I was able to truly see and feel what was going on with me.
Nicole Drobny
When I met Ruth for our first session, I felt immediate trust. I could feel her compassion and desire to help me through the computer screen. She held a loving space, and at the same time asked me the hard questions to challenge me. I felt more comfortable with her sharing deeply personal and some traumatic experiences that I have never shared with anyone. For the first time, I felt free, like a great burden had been lifted from me. Ruth has a large number of tools in her toolbox to help any client. Don't wait! Run to work with her!
Rachel Cuthbert
I loved having Ruth as a coach! She held such an amazing space for me to explore some deep spaces. Her energy is amazing. During our time together, I was able to make some significant shifts that allowed me to show up more to my relationship with myself. I loved working with her & recommend her to anyone who is ready to make big shifts in their life!
If not now, when?
You’re already feeling exhausted, irritable and stressed…how much worse will it be 6 months, 1 year, 5 years from now if you don’t decide to choose YOU?
Amazing. I am so excited for you, it sounds like you’re feeling the spark. Let’s nurture that. Feel free to schedule your 1-on-1 call with the link above and I can answer all your questions at that time.
Finding direction is a part of what I am trained in helping you discover. When we start making moves to support our growth, the subconscious has a way of bringing to the surface what we’re needing to heal, move through, and grow from.
My Clients have access to me through 1:1 calls with Telegram communication in between and are given loads of resources to guide their journey. It is anticipated to get homework assignments, challenge exercises in order to reach your transformational goal.
Do your stretches. The direction of each session is guided by your experience and also supported by my training in numerous modalities such as: Nutritional Counseling, Spiritual Wisdom, Inner Child Work, Trauma Release, Somatic Release, Breathwork, Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management, Effective Communication, Sexual Embodiment and more.
I sure do. All sessions are held via zoom. When you sign up for your sessions on my scheduler it automatically converts the time zone differences between us and will email the link to you for our first session.
Monday: 8am-8pm Wednesday: 8-6:30
Friday: 9-2:30 Saturday: 8-2pm
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